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Rediscover NASH Club: 3 episodes through the management of MASLD/MASH

Rediscover NASH Club*, a comprehensive journey through the management of MASLD/MASH, with 3 episodes on diagnosis, patient pathways and treatments, hosted by Europe’s top experts in the field!


You can now access this invaluable content, subtitled in the language of your choice, for free and on-demand, allowing you to learn at your own pace and convenience.


> Watch now

*NAFLD-NASH is now called MASLD-MASH due to the 2023 new nomenclature.

MASH disease is a growing public health crisis. 76%* of individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and 90%** of obese adults have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (MASLD). Given MASLD close association with T2D and obesity , the prevalence of both MASLD and MASH is likely to continue to increase with and estimation of 30%*** of MASH patients developing liver fibrosis that can progress to Cirrhosis and to Hepatocellular Carcinoma.

You will learn from 12 EU top experts of a wide range of medical specialties: Hepatologists, Gastroenterologists, Diabetologists, Endocrinologists, and General practitioners.

You can register for free once and attend the full series. 

NASH Club Episode 1


NAFLD-NASH Epidemiology, diagnostic tools and strategies

NASH Club Episode 2


Creating referral pathways for the NAFLD/NASH patients beyond the liver clinic

NASH Club Episode 3


NASH: Current and future treatment options​

Echosens gives institutional support to the event.