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FibroScan® Solutions Bringing New Guidelines to Life

Thursday, July 7th

from 12PM to 1PM (Eastern Time)

from 6PM to 7PM (Central European Time)


This webinar includes the following 3 presentations:


> Case Identification Outside Liver Clinics – How & Who Needs to be Referred?

Prof. Norris


> Non-Invasive Staging and Monitoring in Liver Clinics

Prof. Castéra 


> Risk Stratification and Management of Advanced Liver Disease

Prof. Vuppalanchi


During each presentation, the experts will present actual clinical cases and pathway implementation methodology. ​​​​​At the end of the webcast, Prof. Vuppalanchi and Prof. Norris will be pleased to answer any questions you may have during a live Q&A session. 


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Pr. Suzanne Norris
PhD, MSc Professor in Gastroenterology & Hepatology, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin Consultant Hepatologist, St James’s Hospital, Dublin (Ireland)
Dr. Raj Vuppalanchi
Professor of Medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine (USA)
Pr. Laurent Castéra
Professor of Hepatology at the University of Paris-VII, Department of Hepatology, Hospital Beaujon, Clichy (France)