Discover our liver exam recommendations, Echosens Academy, myFibroScan application, our users’ stories and our practical and technical solutions for your daily practice.
1 500+
training sessions per year
2 600+
new operators trained every year
20 000+
FibroScan® users worldwide
6 Million
of FibroScan® examinations performed every day
Honestly, I can’t imagine my life without a FibroScan® now. I don’t know how we practiced without it. It has really changed my workup of a patient. In some cases, it’s become more important, to me, than an endoscopy. It has improved our entire practice in the sense that I feel more comfortable knowing which patients we need to worry about, which patients require frequent re-calls and so forth.
Do you have a question about examination contraindications? Clinical reference publications? Or about training?
Echosens Recertification Program
Our solutions are defined by regulations.