Professor Quentin Anstee is the Chair of Experimental Hepatology and the Deputy-Dean of Research & Innovation in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK. A practising clinician, he is also an Honorary Consultant Hepatologist in the Liver Transplant Unit at Newcastle’s Freeman Hospital, where he leads one of the largest non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) clinical services in the UK. He trained in medicine at University College London, London, UK, where he was awarded a first-class honours degree and won First Prize in Medicine in the final MB BS examination.
Professor Anstee’stranslational research has made major contributions across the pathophysiology, natural history,t diagnosis and treatment of NAFLD. His work has provided key insights into temporalchanges in steatohepatitis during disease evolution, identifiedgenetic and epigenetic modifiers of liver disease progression and hepatocellular carcinoma risk, and has substantially advanced the field of biomarker development in liver disease. Professor Anstee coordinates two major international research consortia that are studying NAFLD pathogenesis and developing/validating accurate biomarkers to assist the diagnosis, risk-stratification and monitoring of patients with NAFLD: ‘EPoS’ Elucidating Pathways of Steatohepatitis(EU H2020 funded €6 million, 2015–2019) and‘LITMUS’ Liver Investigation: Testing Marker Utility in Steatohepatitis (EU IMI2 funded €47.3 million, 2017–2023). He leads the European NAFLD Registry and is the chief investigator of multiple ongoing clinical trials assessing new medical therapies for NAFLD. Professor Anstee is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Hepatology.
Professor Emmanuel Tsochatzis is a Professor of Hepatology and Consultant Hepatologist at the University College London Institute for Liver and Digestive Health (ILDH), Royal Free Hospital, London, UK. He is Head of the Centre for Metabolic Liver Disease in the ILDH and a member of the Baveno steering committee for portal hypertension. His main research interests include non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), cirrhosis and portal hypertension, and non-invasive assessment of liver fibrosis.
Professor Tsochatzis finished his speciality training and PhD at Hippokration General Hospital, Athens, Greece, before moving to the Royal Free Hospital for his postdoctoral research under Professor Andy Burroughs. He is the recipient of the Rising Star in Gastroenterology prize by the United European Gastroenterology and the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Physician Scientist Fellowship.
His work on the cost-effectiveness of non-invasive fibrosis tests has informed the World Health Organization guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of both hepatitis B and C virus. Professor Tsochatzis has designed and implemented a primary care pathway for NAFLD referrals to secondary care. He leads the specialist multidisciplinary service in NAFLD at the Royal Free Hospital and has an active research programme in NAFLD. Professor Tsochatzis has published more than 270 articles in peer-reviewed journals. He served as a member of the EASL Governing Board from 2019 to 2022 and was the chair of the EASL Scientific Committee in 2021–22. Professor Tsochatzis has received funding for his research from the National Institute for Health and Care Research, the EASL and EU Horizon 2020.
Cyrielle Caussy
Professor Cyrielle Caussy is a Professor of Nutrition and an Endocrinologist-Diabetologist at Lyon 1 University and Lyon South Hospital, Lyon, France. She is also the medical director adjunct of the Rhône-Alpes Research Center for Human Nutrition (CRNH Rhône-Alpes), Rhône-Alpes, France, with a strong expertise in conducting clinical research in nutrition. During her medical training, Professor Caussy obtained her PhD at Lyon 1 University studying the epigenetic regulation of lipid regulation at the Cardio-Metabolism, Diabetes and Nutrition (CarMeN) laboratory. Her main field of research interests are insulin resistance, obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Professor Caussy completed a 2-year advanced research training programme at the NAFLD Research Center, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA, directed by Dr Rohit Loomba. She now has a specific interest in non-invasive biomarkers and the pathophysiology of NAFLD, especially in high-risk populations such as patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity. Professor Caussy also co-leads a clinical and research programme focused on metabolic liver disease at the Lyon Hepatology Institute, Lyon.