A significant burden to patients and providers
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a complex disease process that affects 1:3 Americans. NAFLD related cirrhosis and liver cancer are soon to become the number one indication for liver transplantation. The prevalence of NAFLD reflects the rising rates of obesity in the United States and is now the most common form of chronic liver disease.
In this white paper, Dr. Stephen Harrison, Medical Director from Pinnacle Clinical Research, discusses how liver disease is expected to impact U.S. healthcare costs and identifies options for early detection and interventions.
Utilizing cost effective risk stratification tools as part of a comprehensive disease management plan will be crucial in combating the NAFLD epidemic. FibroScan® can be a valuable addition to your approach in diagnosing and managing patients at risk for advancing liver disease. As a painless, five-minute, non-invasive test, FibroScan® quickly provides a quantitative assessment of liver stiffness and fat, at the point of care. With over 3,000 peer-reviewed research publications, the FibroScan® technology is the most widely studied tool for point-of-care liver assessment.
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