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FibroScan® probes

Optimize measurement accuracy on all patient morphologies

Choose the appropriated probe between S+, M+ or XL+.


Optimize measurement accuracy

FibroScan® offers a range of 3 probes (S+, M+ and XL+) designed to fit patient morphology.  

By adjusting the measurement area relative to the distance between the probe and the liver (Probe to Capsula Distance) a consistent explored volume can be maintained.

Which FibroScan® probe is adapted to your patient?

S+ probe

M+ probe 

XL+ probe 

For thin patients
and pediatric population

Designed for being placed into narrow intercostal space

For patients
with standard morphotype


For patients with obesity
and extreme obesity

Designed to enhance signal penetration
through deeper tissues

Measurement depth

From 15 to 50 mm

Measurement depth

From 25 to 70 mm
with Guided VCTE™

Measurement depth

From 35 to 85 mm
with Guided VCTE™

Criteria of selection

Age < 18yo
and Thoracic Perimeter ≤ 75 cm


Criteria of selection

Age < 18yo
and Thoracic Perimeter > 75 cm

or Age ≥ 18yo
and no XL+ probe recommendation

Criteria of selection

Age ≥ 18ans et
pas de recommandation sonde M+


For M+ and XL+ probes, FibroScan® automatically recommends the right probe.


Probes selection criteria

To ensure that the probe is adapted to the patient’s morphology, please read the FibroScan® examination procedure.

What our users say


The obese population that we receive for FibroScan® examinations has increased substantially in recent years. CAP™ has become essential to our prescribers to precisely monitor patient’s steatosis.

FibroScan® nurse referent | Cochin University Hospital, Paris, France

chevron chevron

FibroScan® comes with the M+ and XL+ probes.

S+ probe is available as an option.

FibroScan® Indications for Use
The FibroScan® family of products is intended to provide shear wave speed measurements and estimates of tissue stiffness as well as ultrasound coefficient of attenuation (CAP: Controlled Attenuation Parameter) in internal structures of the body. The Shear wave speed and stiffness measurements may be used as an aid to clinical management of adult patients with liver disease. The FibroScan® family of products is indicated for non-invasive measurement in the liver of 50 Hz shear wave speed and estimates of stiffness as well as determining a 3.5 MHz ultrasound coefficient of attenuation (CAP: Controlled Attenuation Parameter). The shear wave speed and stiffness, and CAP may be used as an aid to diagnosis and monitoring of adult patients with liver disease, as part of an overall assessment of the liver. Shear wave speed and stiffness, and CAP* may be used as an aid in the clinical management of pediatric patients with liver disease. The FibroScan®  630 (Expert) is also indicated for noninvasive measurement in the spleen of 100 Hz shear wave speed and estimates of stiffness that may be used as an aid to diagnosis, monitoring and clinical management of adult patients with liver disease, as part of an overall assessment of the liver.

* CAP for pediatric patients with liver disease is only available with SmartExam capability.