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Software SmartExam

Enhance FibroScan® capabilities for improved management of fatty liver patients


Continuous CAP™

Improve reliability in the diagnosis and monitoring of steatosis

With SmartExam, a new computation method allows continuous measurement of CAP™ during the entire examination. In addition, when CAP™ measurement doesn’t meet the quality criteria they are automatically rejected.

SmartExam with Continuous CAP™ decreases variability by 50%.1

Continuous CAP™ can be measured on children with FibroScan® S probe  to prevent them from undergoing biopsy.

Deeper assessment of liver fibrosis and steatosis

Extend usage among severely obese patients

With SmartExam, the maximum recommended PCD (Probe to Capsula Distance) is 45 mm (vs 35 mm without SmartExam) representing an increase of 28%.

Tasks automation

Dedicate more time to the patient care

  • E (liver stiffness) and CAP™ gauges automatically increase when measurements are validated
  • Measurement depths are automatically adapted to patient’s morphology
  • Operator gets notified when liver is too deep.

These task automation features were designed to further enhance the standardization of the FibroScan® examination.

SmartExam is available as an option.

What our users say


SmartExam is a key technology for improving standardization of FibroScan® and eliminate liver stiffness and CAP™ measurements bias caused by the long probe-to-capsule distance in patients with obesity; thus, it increases the diagnostic accuracy and reliability to identify fatty liver and assess fibrosis in this clinical population.

Yusuf Yilmaz | Professor and MD. Gastroenterology and Hepatology - Marmara University Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey


The obese population that we receive for FibroScan® examinations has increased substantially in recent years. CAP™ has become essential to our prescribers to precisely monitor patient’s steatosis. SmartExam allows us to address difficult patients and to provide reliable results to our prescribers.

FibroScan® nurse referent | at Cochin University Hospital, Paris, France

chevron chevron

1. E. Bardou-Jacquet et al, Validation of the Continuous Controlled Attenuation Parameter (CAPc) using the MRI-PDFF as reference. EASL 2022 poster #FRI-228​

FibroScan® Indications for Use

The FibroScan® Family of Products (models: Compact 530, Mini+ 430 and Expert 630)  is intended to provide shear wave speed measurements and estimates of tissue stiffness as well as ultrasound coefficient of attenuation (CAP: Controlled Attenuation Parameter) in internal structures of the body. The Shear wave speed and stiffness measurements may be used as an aid to clinical management of adult patients with liver disease.

The FibroScan® 630 is indicated for non-invasive measurement in the liver of 50 Hz shear wave speed and estimates of stiffness as well as determining a 3.5 MHz ultrasound coefficient of attenuation (CAP: Controlled Attenuation Parameter). The shear wave speed and stiffness, and CAP may be used as an aid to diagnosis and monitoring of adult patients with liver disease, as part of an overall assessment of the liver. Shear wave speed and stiffness, and CAP* may be used as an aid in the clinical management of pediatric patients with liver disease. FibroScan® 630 (Expert) is also indicated for noninvasive measurement in the spleen of 100 Hz shear wave speed and estimates of stiffness that may be used as an aid to diagnosis, monitoring and clinical management of adult patients with liver disease, as part of an overall assessment of the liver.

* CAP for pediatric patients with liver disease is only available with SmartExam capability.

FAST and Interpretation Guide are Non-Device CDS (Clinical Decision Support) that meet all parts of the 4 sections 520(o)(1)(E) criteria.