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Der Stellenwert von FibroScan® bei der Behandlung von Patienten mit Alkoholkonsumstörungen

Präsentation nur auf Englisch


Excessive alcohol consumption is a global healthcare problem with social, economic, and clinical consequences, accounting for 3.3 million deaths in 2012. 

Chronic and excessive alcohol consumption produces a wide spectrum of hepatic lesions, the most characteristic of which are steatosis, hepatitis, and fibrosis/cirrhosis. 
Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD) can progress from alcoholic fatty liver (AFL) to alcoholic steatohepatitis (ASH), which is characterized by hepatic inflammation. Chronic ASH can eventually lead to fibrosis and cirrhosis and in some cases hepatocellular cancer (HCC).
In addition, severe ASH can lead to alcoholic hepatitis, which is an acute clinical presentation of ALD that is associated with liver failure and high mortality.

This webinar aims at discussing the role of noninvasive tests and FibroScan® in the management of patients affected by Alcoholic Liver Disease.

About Dr. Thiele
Maja Thiele is Associate professor, MD, PhD at Odense Liver Research Centre, Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark.
Maja Thiele is a clinical hepatologist and researcher focusing on alcohol-related and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, with a particular interest in elastography and circulating biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring. ​​​She authored Landmark papers in 2018 validating the diagnostic role of transient elastography and controlled attenuation parameter in alcohol-related liver fibrosis and steatosis. Currently, her research evolves around the development and validation of effective healthcare pathways for early detection of liver fibrosis in the population. Among projects are the Horizon2020-funded LiverScreen consortium, which aims to evaluate FibroScan® as a screening tool in 30,000 Europeans from the background population.


Maja Thiele
Associate professor, MD, PhD at Odense Liver Research Centre, Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark